DGP is a semi supervised model which can run on top of other tracking algorithms, such as DLC. Since DLC developers have put in a lot of work into their GUI (and made it open source!), our algorithm can be run using the same filestructure as DLC.
DeepGraphPose can be run in training or prediction mode. For training, we assume that frames are labeled elsewhere by the user. For prediction, we assume input as videos. IMPORTANT: we additionally assume that the user will only be analyzing videos with one shuffle and one training fraction at a time. Different parameters are required for the training and testing routines, as described below.
-Input: (zip file) A zipped folder corresponding to a DLC model folder (with format {taskname}_{scorername}_{date}), containing the training frames to be used for training. This zipped file should include the folder itself. It should not contain any trained models.
-Config: (yaml) A YAML file indicating the mode (train or predict), type of videos to analyze, and other neurocaas specific parameters. See template config for details.
-Input: (zip file) A zipped folder corresponding to a DLC model folder (with format {taskname}_{scorername}_{date}), containing the training frames to be used for training. This zipped file should include the folder itself. This model folder should include a trained model already.
-Config: (yaml) A YAML file indicating the mode (train or test), type of videos to analyze, and other neurocaas specific parameters. See template config for details.
-(zipfile) If training, full models fit from the data, as zip files results{modelname}.zip. If prediction only, returns only a zipfile of the videos and corresponding traces.
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